"What we do in a Blink": Niels Groen

November 8, 2022 Focus area: Digital Transformation

Due to the great variety of projects in which BlinkLane is involved, in it can be somewhat challenging to come up with an unambiguous explanation of how BlinkLane consultants deliver value to their clients. This can be particularly challenging for future candidates.

To enhance the understanding of future candidates on what is it like to be a transformation consultant at BlinkLane, we have decided to start an interview series that specifically focus on the role BlinkLane consultants have within their projects. The second interview from this "What we do in a Blink" series is with one of our partners Niels Groen, taken by our colleague Mika Ambrose.

The most important thing you should know as a potential consultant at BlinkLane is how we deliver value, and how we make sure that we create a long-lasting impact.

Niels explains that we create impact by starting with a sound analysis and problem-solving with the aim of improving the client’s performance. After that, we make sure that the change will be long-lasting – by engaging in a high level of collaboration with the client, so that they have ownership of the change. In his view, it is important to step back and not take over, so that the new competencies created stay embedded in the client. In addition, Niels mentions that it is important to build trust, and long-lasting relationships, by working with the lens of “How can I help and invest in the organization and the individuals in the organization”.

What does it take to be a successful consultant at BlinkLane?

To better enable you (as a potential candidate) to understand what we do, we must discuss how can you be successful in this role. According to Niels, this intensive collaboration with the client in the transformation requires a broad area of competencies, that a BlinkLane consultant should have, such as advisory skills, transformation or program management, business management and account management, and the development of expertise and thought leadership.

But on top of these competencies, a BlinkLaner should have a few skills that closely correspond to the values of BlinkLane:

  1. Entrepreneurial elements: a consultant should be proactive and not wait for a client or a senior to tell them what to do.
  2. High quality: All our consultants are doing meticulous work without mistakes and create excellent content for our clients.
  3. Extrovert and social people: A consultant gets up close and personal with the client. A consultant must be comfortable forming new relationships and is extremely effective if they can work from a position of fun and an element of “lightness”. This helps break the ice with the client and builds trust.
  4. Stay right: As a BlinkLane consultant, you will always look for improvements.
  5. Carry your own bags: We are responsible for every aspect of the business. This means that the company is in it together. Everyone is involved in all elements of the business. This includes trainees having a say in business development and the partners staying in the consultancy business and delivery. And all the consultants are involved in a decentralized voting system at the end phase of the recruitment process.

A typical day of a consultant at BlinkLane

According to Niels, there is no typical day in consulting. Your working days can include meeting a new client, executing a workshop, figuring out the next steps with the clients, or working on internal development within BlinkLane (such as writing articles). This is the real beauty and magic of being a consultant and why colleagues like Niels would never want to do another job. There is always an element of creativity in one's approach.